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Font families

Typography and fonts are all around us, but we often don't take notice of their diversity. In today's discussion, we'll be exploring the world of typography, including different fonts and typefaces.


From this article you will learn:

  • What it is an antiqua?

  • What is the difference between font and type?

  • Which sans serif font is the oldest?

  • How many characters should be in one line of text on a web page?

  • What are generic fonts in CSS?

We believe that it's important to express our thoughts in the most colorful language possible, using literary techniques such as metaphors and paraphrases to enhance our writing. However, have you ever considered how the typeface of our fonts can affect the impact of our words? In today's discussion, we'll be exploring the role of typography in written communication.

Every UX designer knows that the typeface used can significantly impact the readability and comprehension of text. For example, imagine trying to read an information sign that uses an overly decorative typeface with exaggerated letterforms. In reality, information signs should be designed for quick reading and immediate comprehension. The communication should be clear and simple, allowing readers to quickly read the information and react to it.



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